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A Motley Crew

Don't worry, we're not the real motley crew! But we are a merry band of folk who take hard rock and piratey ways seriously.


We are a non-profit social enterprise that is 100% volunteer-led. LCA is dynamic and modern in its approach. Our aim is to remove the barriers that people with Long Covid and ME face. We have a can-do approach and are quite happy telling truth to power.


Because of the vulnerability of those who volunteer for us, as many are disabled, and have Long Covid and/or ME we give the option of anonymity to safeguard their privacy.


All of our profit goes to biomedical Long Covid and ME research. We donate to Polybio and ME Research UK.


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A photo of the band Motley Crew. They are against a red and black dripping background. There are 4 individuals posing in a hard rock style in black and red studded leather.

Key Missions

Legislate - Investigate - Ventilate - Educate

We advocate for 4 key areas: Legislation is vital to create the infrastructure for equality & safety for all those with Long Covid: Investigation into the biomedical roots to find an effective treatment: Ventilation to ensure prevention & an accessible society & Education for medical professionals & the public to challenge the stigma & misconception of Long Covid & ME/CFS.

This shows the Long Covid Advocacy mission statement. L.I.V.E in white capitals on a vertical access with pink, purple and teal dots between. Then the white capital letter text LEGISLATE. INVESTIGATE. VENTILATE. EDUCATE

Social Justice

The Best of Both Worlds

We are a non-profit Social Enterprise. Our unique perspective is that we follow a social justice model within a Ltd Company framework. This enables us to be free to comment on & advocate for government policy & legislation related to infection associated chronic disease - something which the Charity & CIC models are restricted in doing. Yet we have the legal framework of transparency & financial regulation through our Articles of Association & Constitution. Fearless activism with strong internal protections & social mission - the best of both worlds! All our profits go to biomedical Long Covid & ME/CFS research.

A blurred white urban background with a black ethnic man in the foreground wearing a fleeced lined denim jacket. He is holding to his face a gold V for Vendetts mask. This is to signify Long Covid Advocacys commitment to social justice.

Friends of LCA

Our Network

We follow a model which we feel best supports people with energy-limited illness. That is a satellite network of trusted people happy to lend their expertise to LCA, yet who hold no consistent commitment. These lovely folk are the 'Friends of LCA'. We hold high standards of behaviour & ethics to protect anyone who works with us & have devised The Code of LCA with help from our HR expert to help us run a PEM-safe organisation. Think of us as more mycelium network acting as a springboard for the community rather than a top-down hierarchy!

Dark blue background with a pink heart and wavy lines at the tip. Then in white text Friends of Long Covid Advocacy in the middle. At the bottom are an illustration of people in pink, grey and white with their backs showing and hands in the air.


Artemis & Apollo

Every advocacy org needs cute cat mascots. Ours are trusty felines Artemis and Apollo who keep spirits up with ever-ready hugs. Bengal babies & gentle at heart, they are just what the Doctor ordered! If you need something totally different, please find our favourite funny cat vids below.

2 bengal cats faces peaking over a blue fluffy blanket.

Become Crew!

Support Us

Ready to join the LCA Crew?! This is a way you can support us. You can join our Patreon or support our writing through a paid subscription on Substack. You might of noticed we do things a bit differently here. Our values revolve around fearless advocacy & sometimes that means embracing our pirate spirit. If you are ready to join us you are most welcome. Crew will receive special updates, previews, discounts & comms from us.

The patreon logo a p in white in a red pointy dot.
A Jonny Depp, Captain Sparrow look alike peaking behind 2 crimson red stage curtains, he is looking to the right and wearing a red bandana and has long brown hair, you can see his sword handle peaking through the curtain.

On the shoulders of giants

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi

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